an exterior shot of the sign for the office building for eastern shore counseling in gorham maine, individual therapy, anxiety treatment
an exterior shot of the front of the office building for eastern shore counseling in gorham maine, individual therapy, anxiety treatment

Counseling Near Me in Gorham, Maine

If you are looking for a counselor in or around Gorham, Maine — we are here to support you.

Counseling In Office Gorham, Maine

510 Main Street
Gorham, Maine 04038

Directions To Our Counseling Office in Gorham, Maine

If Traveling I-95 North: Take exit 47 onto Westbrook Arterial, SR-25. You will turn left onto Westbrook Arterial and continue driving straight for 4.7 mi until turning right into the parking lot. Eastern Shore Counseling is located inside a historic 1808 converted farmhouse. The lobby is located on the first floor through entrance A. Please take a seat in the lobby and your therapist will meet you as soon as they are ready.

If Traveling I-95 South: Take exit 46 toward Jetport, Congress St. You will turn left onto Skyway Drive and then soon turn left onto Congress St. After a mile, you’ll turn right onto Spring St. and then in about 2 miles, you’ll turn left onto William L Clarke Dr. Continue driving straight for 2.8 miles and then turn right into the parking lot. Eastern Shore Counseling is located inside a historic 1808 converted farmhouse. The lobby is located on the first floor through entrance A. Please take a seat in the lobby and your therapist will meet you as soon as they are ready.

an individual therapy office located in gorham maine at eastern shore counseling, anxiety treatment, counselor near me
the waiting room at eastern shore counseling a counseling clinic in gorham mainet, anxiety treatment, counselor near me

Meet the Maine team

headshot of amy fort a virtual counselor for individual therapy and coples therapy in gorham maine for eastern shore counseling, online therapy, counselor near me
headshot of lauren mackellar an anxiety therapist in gorham maine at eastern shore counseling, individual therapy, ppd

What Mental Health Services Does Eastern Shore Counseling Offer?

Life Coaching

Health Coaching

Couples Therapy

Individual Therapy